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Mr. Frank Ning Chaired Second Session of ABAC 2014 Release Time : 2014-06-09

Mr. Frank Ning, Chairman of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) for 2014, chaired the second session in Santiago, Chile. The session discussed letters and reports by APEC trade ministers submitted by ABAC and issues to be discussed by the working groups.

Mr. Frank Ning came up with guiding opinions on ABAC pushing forward its job. The representatives present echoed well in targets, key issues and expected achievements. He attended and gave a speech in the keynote forum for the Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile and entrepreneurs. He also attended a series of events and gave a speech on the bilateral relations of economy and trade between China and Chile, trade and investment in the Asian-Pacific region, the economic integration, etc.

ABAC is the only standing organ representing the industry and business field in APEC. Its mission is to put forwarding ideas and advice on creating a good environment for developing industry and business. It submits the advisory report to and has a dialogue with the top leaders of the members every year. China holds the rotating presidency of APEC in 2014.

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